politics All books

Denis Jeambar
A State Secret
From a resounding victory, full of promises, to a surprise, humiliating defeat, the presidency of Jacques Chirac didnt manage to astonish the French nation or the world. This book lifts the lid on the plotting and secrets of the presidency. Denis Jeambar is the editor of the Express.

Jacques Delors
France and Germany - the Leap Forward
"During the past fifty years, the Franco-German ship has been shaken by numerous storms--although they never seriously halted her forward movement. In our opinion, strengthening the friendship between our two countries and working towards European political union will not lead to the loss of our French and German identities, nor will it dampen their vitality, for there can be no great design unless our national communities are fully alive and strengthened by a sense of social and citizens' cohesion." Jacques Delors

Jean-François Deniau
The Office of Lost Secrets
La Rochefoucauld once wrote that "neither the sun nor death can be stared at. " The French moralist could have added that truth also can be blinding. Deniau examines several particularly spectacular cases throughout history and under a variety of political regimes, where leaders in the upper echelons of civil and military power have refused to face the truth. He studies major cases in the fields of espionage and international relations, proposing new interpretations of some of these cases, including of the Dreyfus affair. Jean-François Deniau is the author of numerous best-sellers, and a member of the Académie Française.

Uri Savir
The Process 1,100 Days that changed the Middle East
In The 1100 Days, Savir offers the reader a front-row view of the complex negotiations and the clash of interests between the opposing delegations. The author, who played a major role in the negotiations - along with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres - recounts the saga of one of the most significant political events of the late twentieth century. Numerous questions are still to be answered: How can the process of negotiation begun in Oslo be completed? What hopes are there for a peaceful solution? Uri Savir was secretary general of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1993 to 1996. He now heads the Peres Institute for Peace.