
Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld, Robert Fraisse

The France of the Future Publication date : October 1, 1996

What will France be like in twenty years ? Faced with the fear of the future, with the current unease and confusion of French citizens, we need to change the way we look at things. We must stop asking ourselves about individualism in our society and look for answers to the mounting solitude. Stop theorizing about immigration problems and find the keys to demographic evolution. Stop fearing the invasion of the immaterial and start looking for the the new social fabric of tomorrow. Stop sanctifying or railing about exterior pressure and confront it head-on to limit the risks of implosion. We must suggest some possible plans of action and thought processes, provide some sketches of tomorrow's France, among the risks and hopes, to get some new perspectives.

With the participation of Marc Augé, Jean-Pierre Dautun, Jean-Louis Dayan, Michel Glaude, Marc Guillaume, Denis Kessler, Zaki Laidi, Jean Leca, Henri Mendras, France Quéré, Paul Rivier, Robert Rochefort, Alain Touraine.