Medicine All books

Thanh Hoang-Xuan
Cataracts From diagnosis to treatment
Everything you should know about cataracts before and after the procedure

Ilya Savatovsky
The Prostate Cancer
Finding out more about prostate cancer to prevent it or overcome it

André Grimaldi, Didier Tabuteau, François Bourdillon, Frédéric Pierru, Olivier Lyon-Caen
Manifesto for Fair and Egalitarian Healthcare
In the run-up to the French presidential elections, two healthcare specialists denounce the constant and catastrophic deterioration of hospitals in France — and propose effective solutions

Yves Pouliquen
The Transparent Eye New Edition
A triumphant story of ophtalmology and its modern works of magic.

Yves Pouliquen, Jean-Jacques Saragoussi
Glasses or Laser?
New ways of correcting failing eyesight have been developed as a consequence of our increased lifespan...

Philippe Pédrot
Judging What Cannot Be Decided The Body Seized by the Law
This is a careful study of the cataclysm that biomedical technology has wreaked on procreation, gestation, life and death.

Anne de Kervasdoué
Women and Hormonal Treatments
A subject that concerns many women as they approach menopause.

François Ansermet, Pierre Magistretti
The Enigmas of Pleasure Between Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences
A fascinating exploration of some contemporary forms of malaise, individual and collective: destructiveness, fanaticism, violence, as well as boredom, depression, dependence on gadgets, hyperactivity and addictions