Medicine All books

David Khayat
Of Blood and Tears
An eminent physician recounts his deepest feelings as he faces death and pain, as well as his own suffering, in the course of treating his patients.

François Ansermet, Pierre Magistretti
The Enigmas of Pleasure Between Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences
A fascinating exploration of some contemporary forms of malaise, individual and collective: destructiveness, fanaticism, violence, as well as boredom, depression, dependence on gadgets, hyperactivity and addictions

Yves Pouliquen
The Action and the Mind
What does it signify for a surgeon to run the numerous risks, present in every slightest move, in accepting to operate on an eye ? What does it mean for the patient undergoing the operation to place themselves in the hands of strangers, inevitably with a degree of mistrust, in order to be able to see again ? The surgeon and the patient are in fact the protagonists of a human adventure, a scientific conquest and a forgotten medical revolution, which deserve to be related. This is especially since the surgery of the 21st century will also demand creativity, ingenuity, faith and discipline all the forms of engagement that one calls human intelligence Yves Pouliquen An internationally known specialist in ocular surgery, Professor Yves Pouliquen is the author of several books published with Odile Jacob, such as The Transparency of the Eye.

Jean Costentin
Against Legalising Canabis
Contrary to popular belief, cannabis is not such a “soft” drug

Alain Cassourra
The Energy, Emotion, Thought at your fingertips
From the body to the psyche, a new look at our aches and pains and what they mean.