
Denis Vincent, Lucile Bensignor-Clavel

Hay Fever and Nasal Allergies Publication date : April 1, 1999

Sneezing fits, a runny nose and an itchy throat are all symptoms of allergic rhinitis, a highly common complaint that affects 20 to 30% of the population. Although Hippocrates described the symptoms of hay fever, it wasn’t until the nineteenth century that the relation between the illness and its cause (allergens) was established.
An apparently benign illness, allergic rhinitis can become exceedingly disagreeable when it becomes chronic. For some sufferers, it is a seasonal complaint (as in the case of hay fever), for others, it is constant (allergies to dust mites), but it can usually be controlled if it is treated in time.
This book is a practical guide that aims to help the reader understand:
— the symptoms that indicate the probable existence of allergic rhinitis,
— the mechanisms of this allergy,
— the available methods of reaching a diagnosis (allergy tests, x-rays, cat scans, etc.),
— the various different types of treatment available in different cases,
— the illnesses that are most frequently associated with rhinitis (conjunctivitis, gastro-oesophageal reflux, asthma, etc.).
The authors also provide advice concerning daily life: sports, food, smoking, air conditioning, housework, etc.

Denis Vincent is an allergist and resident doctor at the Hôpital Louis-Mourier, in Colombes, near Paris. He combines research with clinical practice. He is the author of L’Asthme, published in by Editions Odile Jacob in the series “Santé au quotidien”. Lucile Bensignor-Clavel is an allergist.