
Nicolas Postel-Vinay, Guillaume Bobrie

Monitoring and Treating High Blood Pressure Publication date : October 1, 2003

If you suffer from hypertension, it is possible to play an active role in your combat against the disorder: by checking your own blood pressure on a regular basis, by choosing the means you will use to fight against hypertension, and by actively assisting your doctor.
This book explains how. It will help nurses and medical students teach patients suffering from hypertension how to live with their disease. But it is, above all, a practical guide for patients themselves wishing to understand their condition and participate in making decisions concerning their own health.
The information given here will enable patients, as well as their families and friends, to take the necessary measures to reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents. And it will empower patients so they can play an active role in their medical treatment.

Nicolas Postel-Vinay is a medical practitioner and lecturer at the teaching hospital Broussais-Hôtel Dieu, in Paris. He is also in charge of therapeutic education for patients suffering from hypertension at the Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris.
Guillaume Bobrie, a specialist in hypertension and kidney ailments, is the president of a group of experts in charge of supervising tensiometers for the Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire et des Produits de Santé, an official government body.
The authors of numerous works on hypertension, Postel-Vinay and Bobrie also direct a web site: automesure.com