
Henri Rozenbaum

How to have a Happy Menopause Publication date : January 1, 2004

How can we live happily through the menopause ? Henri Rozenbaum brings together everything we know about the symptoms of the menopause today, both with regard to prevention and treatment : hot flushes, dry skin, weakening of the bones, lower libido, depression etc. None of this is inevitable. Yes, it is possible to do something about it. The results of scientific studies undertaken must lead to more emphasis on listening to women, and personalised treatment for each individual (increased monitoring, tailor-made dosages). Constituting a small scale medical encyclopaedia, this book answers your questions and allows you to identify the most suitable treatment for your own particular case. For a better quality of life, better health, and a happy menopause.

Gynaecologist, and president and founder of the French Association for Menopausal Studies, Dr Henri Rozenbaum is one of the most renowned international experts in the area of the menopause. He is author of numerous scientific works on the subject.