
Alain Sauteraud

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders A therapist's manual Publication date : January 20, 2005

This book, written in the form of a manual, is addressed to therapists, specialised psychiatrists, general practitioners and other members of the medical profession involved in caring for patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorders. It describes the various steps: diagnosis, establishing therapy and treatment.
Alain Sauteraud, one of the top French specialists on obsessive-compulsive disorders, reviews recent studies on the subject and draws on the latest therapeutic research to establish some practical guidelines.
Unlike many such books written by specialists, this is not a theoretical work. It cites numerous case studies and provides answers to therapists’ most frequently asked questions. Several extracts from conversations between patients and physicians have been included.
This book is an excellent complement to Sauteraud’s earlier Je ne peux m’arrêter de laver, vérifier, compter (published by Editions Odile Jacob in its self-help series), which he continues to recommend to patients. In fact, in his new book he suggests to the therapist that patients read a specific chapter from the earlier book at each step of their therapy.
One of the most innovative chapters in the book deals with the therapeutic union and the therapist’s dysfunctional thoughts.
This is certain to become an indispensable work for health professionals.

Alain Sauteraud is a physician and psychiatrist specialising in obsessive-compulsive disorders. He is the author of Je ne peux m’arrêter de laver, vérifier, compter: Mieux vivre avec un TOC, published by Editions Odile Jacob.