
Jill-Patrice Cassuto, Brigitte Reboulot

Hepatitis Publication date : March 1, 1998

Hepatitis has become a major public health concern. In France alone there are 20,000 chronic cases of hepatitis B, and as many as 600,000 cases of hepatitis C. The extent of the epidemic can be explained by population movements, by delays in vaccination programmes, as well as by the mode of transmission, particularly in the case of hepatitis B (blood, saliva, and sperm). The most popularly-known symptom—jaundice—only occurs in a small number of cases. How can hepatitis be recognised in other cases? What are the symptoms that should cause concern? Which medical tests should be systematically run? What are the symptoms of chronic hepatitis? What are the risks that hepatitis may develop into cirrhosis of the liver or cancer? How can hepatitis be prevented?
These fundamental questions are regularly treated in the media, though not always in a very rigorous manner. This compact book answers many questions concerning the methods of diagnosis and then evaluates the existing risks of transmission.
Jill Patrice Cassuto teaches haematology and also heads the medical intern service at the teaching hospital in Nice.
Brigitte Reboulot is a clinical research doctor. They are the authors of "La séropositivité au Quotidien", published by Editions Odile Jacob in the same series as the present work.