Psychology All books

Sylvie Geismar-Wieviorka
Treating drug users From cold turkey to shooting galleries
A front-line doctor explains how to treat drug addicts

Gabriel Wahl
Hyperactive Adults
A recognition of hyperactivity at adult age. All the facts to understand hyperactivity. Information on testing and stages of diagnosis. Approaches and treatments: psychotherapy and drug treatments explained and evaluated.

Bernard Chouvier
The Fanatics
For more than twenty years, Bernard Chouvier has studied various forms of political and religious commitment and activism and their sectarian excesses.

Nicole Desportes, Philippe Jeammet
Journey To The End Of Life How I beat anorexia
A book with a purpose: to encourage anorexics and help them find their own way. The is no recipe, no magic bullet, no shock treatment, but you can get away from anorexia!