Psychology All books

Marie Anaut
Humour and Resilience
• How does humour function? What part does it play in our relational dynamics and in the development of defence mechanisms when we are faced with harmful or destructive experiences?

Sophie deMijolla-Mellor
At the risk of the order
Could order exist in the absence of any sort of authority to enforce it?

Jacqueline Rousseau-Dujardin
Loving? But How?
How to remain yourself when you love another? If you want love to last, should you keep a certain distance and choose someone with whom you do not share your daily life? Why are some people afraid of loving? Can mystical love really be qualified as love? Are you truly happy when you are in love? Is it possible to love too much?

Louis Ploton, Boris Cyrulnik
Resilience and Ageing
By learning to accept renouncement we can aspire to a more contented old age: an approach to ageing that overturns many received ideas

Bruno Gepner
Autisms Autism, cerebral tempo and consciousness
Hope for autistics: a new approach recommends reducing noise levels and visual stimulation in their environment