Adolescent psychology All books

Michel Delage
The Emotional Life and Attachment In the Family
The evolution of emotional ties and relations within the modern family

Didier Pleux, Camille Cellier
We're both fighting A Diary of Anorexia
How can anorexia be overcome? A young anorexic reveals the diary of her therapy and cure

Catherine Jousselme, Jean-Luc Douillard
Meet Adolescents
A resolutely humane and optimistic approach to adolescence that stresses resilience rather than disorders

Israël Nisand, Brigitte Letombe, Sophie Marinopoulos
Let’s Talk to Teens About Sex How to Reduce the Number of Teenage Pregnancies
Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem in many countries yet the subject is often taboo

Jeannette Favre, Catherine Jousselme
A Twin and Unique Enjoying Being a Twin
This unusual testimonial will support and assist anyone who is closely or more distantly concerned with twins and twin births

Nady Van Broeck, Jacques Van Rillaer
Giving Psychological Support to Seriously Ill Children
An indispensable book to enable parents and caregivers to help children overcome the challenge of serious illness

Alain Braconnier
How to Be a Parent love and common sense
The new art of parenting, or how to reconcile love and common sense from infancy to adolescence

Xavier Pommereau Follow Their Progress
A new method to understand and treat troubled adolescents based on their own lifestyle