
Elena Pasquinelli

How to Use Screens in Your Family A Guide for Parents 3.0 Publication date : September 19, 2018

Elena Pasquinelli is a researcher in cognitive science and a philosopher. An associate member at the Institut Jean Nicod, member of La Main à la pâte, researcher at the Institut d’études de la cognition at the École nationale supérieure in Paris, since 2018 she has also been a member of the Conseil scientifique de l’Éducation nationale. A learning specialist, she is the author of several works on cerebral functioning in children and child pedagogy.

Does using a computer and the Internet help or harm our memory? Does it improve or impede our ability to learn in school or elsewhere? How should we react to the use of two or three devices at the same time? To the phone sitting on the table where homework is being done, or on the bedside table? Why is it so difficult to resist a good video game or a text sent late at night by a friend or a classmate? How does it affect our perception of time? What happens when our social lives in part become electronic?
The recurrence of such questions reveals our confusion in the face of the rapid invasion of our homes, our work spaces, and our free time by digital technology.
This work is primarily aimed at young users, in order to help them develop an intelligent and mindful use of the technology available to them.

Everything you need to know on strategies to encourage a reasonable use of screens for our children and… for ourselves!