
Édouard Gentaz, Solange Denervaud, Léonard Vannetzel

The Secret Life of Our Children Publication date : September 21, 2016

Édouard Gentaz is a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, where he heads the faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, and Research Director at the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research, LPNC-Grenoble). He is the co-author of Apprendre à lire (“Learning to Read”), edited by Stanislas Dehaene (16,000 copies sold).

Solange Denervaud is a doctoral candidate in neurobiology. She is also a graduate of the Maria Montessori Institute and has taught at the Montessori School in Vevey, Switzerland.

Léonard Vannetzel is a clinical psychologist. He teaches at the University of Paris-Descartes.

Using concrete situations that parents are confronted with on a daily basis, the authors answer the questions all parents ask themselves at some point: Why is my child afraid of the dark? Does he understand the concept of good and bad? Will she be more of a Picasso or an Einstein? What doesn’t he ever do what I ask him to? My child has an imaginary friend, should I be worried?
By deciphering our children’s behaviour, the authors give us the keys to understanding what’s going on in their minds, and to enabling us to help them reach their full potential.
What is going on inside our children’s minds? How can we encourage and promote their psychological development? What are their needs? What emotional, social, cognitive and sensorimotor skills do they have? How do those skills develop? These are the themes addressed in this book, through simple questions and straightforward scientific answers that everyone can understand.

This book pursues and delves deeper into the themes raised in the television program of the same name, which screens in France on TF1 from September. The show is adapted from the popular British programme seen on Channel 4, The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds. The authors are on the panel of experts involved in the French version of the show.
A straightforward, practical and lavishly illustrated book aimed at a general readership, yet based on serious scientific data.
A portrait of children’s psychological development and skills, from birth to adolescence.