
Sylvie Le Pelletier-Beaufond

A François Roustang Reader Publication date : January 16, 2019

François Roustang, a dissident psychoanalyst, has carried out a radical reflection on conditions for change. It has led him to rediscover hypnosis to produce a profound modification of our thinking about ourselves and our relationship to the world. He is the author of well-received books, including: La Fin de la plainte; Il suffit d’un geste; and Savoir attendre [any in English?]

Sylvie Le Pelletier-Beaufond is a clinical psychotherapist in Paris. She practices hypnotherapy, and participates in professional or university settings, presenting on the theme of hypnosis. Her clinical practice is inspired by the thinking of François Roustang.

One hundred key words: an introduction to the thinking of François Roustang

This is the final book thought of and conceived by François Roustang. It brings together excerpts from his very rich texts, taken from his work, as well as quotes from what he once said.

It sketches, within a fluid circulation from one word to the next, a sort of cosmology, an image of François Roustang’s conception of the world.

The reader is invited to be carried along in his research, following the essential ethos that François Roustang developed throughout his writing, but also in his clinical practice. An experience that leads to a sort of awakening, an opening. One enters into this book the way one enters into hypnosis, by allowing oneself to be carried by the multitude of those connections, evoking a certain harmony.

Each entry, like a facet that contains the whole, through its form also returns one to the man François Roustang and to the strength of his thinking – precise, enlightening, sometimes incisive. An introduction to his work while at the same time a prolongation of that work.