
Blaise Pierrehumbert

Attachment in 26 Questions foreword to Boris Cyrulnik Publication date : June 17, 2020

Blaise Pierrehumbert is a psychologist. He has practiced at the University department of child and adolescent psychiatry in Lausanne and taught at the University of Lausanne. Attachment theory has been the focus of his research, carried out primarily at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Lausanne (CHUV). He is the author of many scientific publications, as well as Le Premier Lien which has become a seminal reference work.
This is a book that answers all the important questions you have about attachment.
Some might be of a general nature, such as: do all children have the same need for attachment? Where do differences originate? Do girls and boys exhibit the same need? What is meant by attachment disorder?
As a parent or someone working with young children, you might also wonder about more concrete issues: what happens to attachment in the case of joint custody? Is it healthy for a child to become attached to a caregiver at daycare? And so on.
Finally, since attachment goes beyond the strict framework of childhood, you might want to know how this feeling evolves throughout our lives: what is the connection, for example, between romantic attachment and our attachment to our parents? What is attachment among the elderly? Why do we become “attached” to a spiritual figure, an animal, or an object?
Accessible, complete, and concrete, this is the comprehensive book on attachment you have been waiting for!