
Howard Gardner

Frames of Mind Publication date : March 11, 2010

Howard Gardner challenges the widely held notion that intelligence is a single, measurable and clearly defined capacity possessed by every individual.

He posits the existence of at least seven types of intelligence, including linguistic, logico-mathematical, musical, spatial and kinaesthetic. These forms of intelligence each possess their own strengths and constraints and are independent of one another.

How then should children's minds be educated? How can their intellectual skills be evaluated? How should academic programmes be adapted so as to give each child a chance to succeed?

• When it was first published in the United States this book was hailed as a landmark by educators all over the world.

• The theory of multiple intelligences is now applied in hundreds of schools.

• For those who believe that intelligence is too complex a phenomenon to be measured by I.Q. this book opens up new perspectives to understand human nature.

Howard Gardner is a professor at Harvard.

His works include Extraordinary Minds, Creating Minds, Changing Minds and Five Minds for the Future, published in French by Editions Odile Jacob as, respectively, Les Personnalités exceptionnelles (1999), Les Formes de la créativité (2001), Les Changements et les formes de l'intelligence (2006) and Les 5 Formes de l'intelligence pour affronter l'avenir (2009).