
Arielle Adda

Gifted Adults and the Quest for Love Making Good Romantic Choices Publication date : June 10, 2020

Arielle Adda is one of the first psychologists in France to focus on gifted children. She was the primary psychologist for Mensa France for many years. Regarding the problems associated with gifted adults, she is the co-author with Thierry Brunel of Adultes sensibles et doués – Trouver sa place et s’épanouir au travail.
Romantic relationships that start out promisingly, but later don’t work out or involve a painful breakup – unsatisfying relationships that often follow the same pattern. Indeed, it seems that intellectual gifts should be taken into account to understand the mechanisms at play, sometimes resulting in a disaster or frustration that taints an individual’s existence.
Is it the way we see the world, relationships between individuals, and the image we have of ourselves through the eyes of others that play a role in the construction of our lives?
Having the keys to those questions might open the path to a coherent understanding of the impulses of the heart and, above all, of its errings. Because more than in any other realm, feelings can lead us astray. Greater self-awareness can only be of help, in order to better protect ourselves and to forge an honest and open love.
Adda, a recognized specialist of the world of gifted people, sheds light in a delicate yet profound way on their romantic lives when they have trouble finding love and forming an enduring relationship.