
Patrice Huerre, Philippe Petitfrère

Questions of Authority At School, at Home, in Business Publication date : June 2, 2021

Patrice Huerre is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and psychoanalyst. For more than thirty years he has specialized in preventative actions and care for adolescents and young adults. He is the author of many books for the general reader.
Philippe Petitfrère, a former corporate leader, participates as an advisor and facilitator of transformative dynamics workshops for various companies.

The world is changing at a speed that is leaving behind the historical models for the exercise of power. The post-internet generation has disrupted social codes and in particular the notion of the leader. The leaders of the past are seeing their authority challenged at home, at school, at work, and in politics. The feeling of not being able to make a decision, to convey it, and to hold to it affects parents at home, professionals in a position of power, and those responsible for political action. The challenges are the same. What form of authority do we want today? Why leaders, what leaders, and to do what?

The complementary approach of a psychotherapist, a specialist in intra-familial relationships and adolescents, and a corporate leader sheds light on the disruptions to the exercise of authority that have been occurring at lightning speed over the past fifty years. The demand for more authority goes hand in hand with the rejection it inspires, and this is true in all strata of society: family, company, and in citizens’ relationships with power.

This is why it is no doubt time to revisit the foundations on which relationships of authority are built, starting at the beginning of life, in order to better prepare those of tomorrow, while imagining the advantages of a new world, with new challenges, and perhaps new leaders.