
Yves Michaud

What Is the Life of the Psyche? Publication date : October 1, 2002

The publication of the series of daily lectures known as “l’université de tous les savoirs” continues. The present volume contains lectures delivered in 2001-2002.

Renowned experts, including psychiatrists, psychologists, philosophers, anthropologists and sociologists, examine some current controversial issues concerning the psyche, the mind and the soul.

What is the mind? An anthropologist’s point of view (J. Goody)
Do sexual urges heed the mind? (M. David-Ménard)
Consciousness and the brain (M. Imbert)
The natural foundations of sympathetic feelings (J. Decety)
The psychology of the passions (K. Scherer)
Mind and identity (J. Proust)
Psychic suffering (M. Schneider)
Intelligence tests and measuring and evaluating the mind (J. Lautrey)
Collective beliefs (R. Boudon)