
Laurent Chneiweiss, Éric Tanneau

Overcoming Stage Fright Publication date : April 1, 2003

Stage fright concerns everyone — not just performers, actors and musicians. It can have a negative effect on sportsmen and women in their efforts to improve their performance. It can be experienced by students during exams, as well as by anyone who lacks self-confidence and finds it difficult to speak in public, particularly in business meetings. Some people even suffer from “stage fright” in their love life, which is a major source of personal distress.
It is generally accepted that a bit of stage fright is stimulating. But when it becomes intense, it prevents us from acting and becomes a real handicap.
This practical, self-help book will provide the reader with the necessary tools to understand and overcome stage fright, or what specialists call “performance anxiety”.
- What sort of victim of stage fright are you?
- How to master your behaviour when feeling fear.
- How to control the physical manifestations of stage fright.
- How to modify the negative thoughts that paralyse you.
- How to face difficult situations.

The concrete, practical advice given here will enable those who lack self-confidence to dare to be themselves, or simply to acquire more self-control and fulfil their potential.

Laurent Chneiweiss and Eric Tanneau are both psychiatrists specialising in anxiety disorders and in cognitive and behavioural therapies. Laurent Chneiweiss is the co-author, with Eric Albert, of L’Anxiété au quotidien, published by Editions Odile Jacob in the “Santé au quotidien” series.