
Anne-Lise Schwing

A Method for Avoiding Burnout Publication date : September 10, 2019

A targeted approach to avoid burn-out, more specifically directed at people who must work with clients, patients, or who interact with third parties.

There are many doctors, paramedical professionals, or private practice professionals who consult a psychiatrist because they are confronted with increasingly excessive demands or with unexpected behaviors by their clients or patients. Multiple pressures, both relational and administrative, lead to a form of burn-out.

How can one not allow oneself to become overwhelmed; how to assert oneself; how to manage the delays by people with whom one interacts; how to be paid when the client doesn’t want to; when a relationship of force is established with the client or patient; when confronted with an invasive personality … In sum, how can one find a good relational distance in order to avoid burning out.

This guide offers a 10-week program to confront the most common difficulties encountered in the world of work, in order to communicate and to assert oneself better.