
Gérard Apfeldorfer

Lasting Relations Publication date : June 6, 2006

“As a psychiatrist, I see patients every day who seem to blunder through their emotional lives, dooming their relationships to failure. Why do some people find it so hard to commit to a relationship? Why do others find it so difficult to make friends? Why are there so many difficulties, even conflicts, in the workplace? By telling some true stories, I have tried to reveal the elementary foundations of human relationships in order to define how each one of us can make the best use of these relations in our daily lives,” writes Gérard Apfeldorfer.

Gérard Apfeldorfer, a medical psychiatrist and psychotherapist, is a member of the French Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy. He is the author of the following books published by Editions Odile Jacob: La Dictature des régimes. Attention! (with J. P. Zermati, 2006); Maigrir, c'est dans la tête (new edition, 2004); Maigrir, c'est fou (2000); and Folie @ trois (1999).