
Florence Lautrédou

This Pulse is changing our lives Inspiration Publication date : May 20, 2014

Florence Lautrédou is a psychoanalyst, life coach and the creator of a programme called the Eye Opening Project which aims to encourage business managers to accept intuitive resources. A graduate of the Ecole Normale, she has an agrégation in literature. She is the author of fiction (Cap Horn Elle) and nonfiction (En quête des libérateurs d’énergie, Vuibert, 2007).
How and why do some people, who feel listless, bored, burdened by daily tasks and routines, suddenly ‘wake up’ with the feeling that life is full of promise?
The reason for this reawakening, or rebirth, is inspiration, argues Florence Lautrédou. Through her work with people who wish to change their lives, she has become familiar with the conditions that favour internal shifts: an unexpected, positive encounter, the remembrance of a childhood desire, a song overheard on the radio that acquires a fresh meaning — and suddenly a new path seems to open up.
Eight cases, recounted as engrossing stories, help us understand the forms that inspiration can take to make us take charge of our lives.
A book that will enable the reader to welcome the creative power of inspiration in daily life.

• A vital and stimulating subject for today.
• A book that can help a wide range of readers: students questioning what to do with their future, professionals in search of meaning in their careers, parents bogged down in daily life.
• An excellent, well-written and entertaining self-help book.