
Pierre-Éric Sutter

Reinventing the Meaning of Your Job Publication date : September 26, 2013

Pierre-Eric Sutter is an occupational psychologist and a social sciences researcher. Since 2009 he has directed the ‘Observatoire de la Vie au Travail’ (OVAT), which carries out major enquiries in France on the lives of workers and employees. He is the author of S’épanouir au travail, c’est possible! (Ellipses, 2010) and Evitez le stress de vos salariés (Organisation, 2009).

Nowadays, work is too often regarded as a cause of suffering. Yet, it is also a source of equilibrium that helps us construct ourselves. If we wish to make work our ally we need to reconsider how it challenges us and affects us.
The author analyses the French paradox — work is simultaneously idealised and deemed unsatisfactory — and he goes on to describe the risk factors that threaten workers as well as the protective aspects that favour job satisfaction.
Readers will discover the work profile that suits them: are they primarily ‘fulfilled, ‘spoiled’, ‘cursed’ or ‘frustrated’ workers?
Based on enquiries carried out in the workplace, the author incites readers to reconstruct the meaning of their own work.

• A wide-ranging analysis of work, in ten accessible chapters, from a philosophical and psychological angle.
• Suggestions for reviewing and renewing one’s attitude toward work.
• An innovative way of thinking about work.