
Christophe Massin

To Suffer or to Love Preface by Alexandre Jollien Publication date : May 3, 2017

Christophe Massin is a psychiatrist with extensive knowledge of Indian spirituality. He is notably the author of Les Psychothérapies en Extrême-Orient (EMC, 1989), Le Bébé et l’Amour (Aubier-Flammarion, 1996), Réussir sans se détruire (Albin Michel, 2006).

Most of us wish we could love. But, too often, our own poorly understood emotions and our childhood wounds condemn us to an endless cycle of unsatisfactory relationships and destructive behaviour patterns.
According to Christophe Massin — who besides being a clinical psychotherapist is a follower of the teachings of the Indian philosopher Swami Prajnanpad — our emotions, after being transformed by a process of acceptance, provide the path to inner peace which will ultimately enable us to access the Other.
Massin illustrates this inner trajectory with his patients’ case histories, most notably the story of a man called Adam and a woman called Eve, symbols of our quest for love.

• An enthusiastic preface by the philosopher Alexandre Jollien.
• A precise description of the changes that psychotherapy and spirituality can work on a human being.