
Christine Moussot

Women, Make Yourselves Heard! Publication date : May 24, 2017

Christine Moussot is a vocal coach in Paris, a graduate of ESCP and a former marketing executive in major companies and consortia. Since retraining in voice coaching she has helped many professionals from a wide range of backgrounds, individually or in collective workshops: directors, elected officials, lawyers, artists and even hypnotherapists. In 2010, she created the "Women's Voices and Professional Success" workshops that she has organised in many women's associations.

The voice is an extremely effective instrument of assertiveness. It is, in fact, a concrete tool that one can easily work with, as soon as one learns to recognise it, and which, once mastered, has a considerable impact on our degree of self-confidence.
This work is particularly useful for women because of their cultural and educational heritage. When they undertake a vocal work, men and women have different expectations: while a man wants to work on his voice in order to develop his charisma, a woman is simply "wanting to be heard"…
How will this book help women to become more assertive? By giving its readers the essential keys to manage their voice more effectively, which passes through several objectives:

Make women aware of the constraints that their vocal behaviour imposes upon them.
Reassure women about the potential of their voice: no, they are not condemned by their physiology! Many parameters other than the height and the volume of the voice can be worked on in order to be heard and persuade.
Offer concrete and simple tools for women to work with and find their voice and style.