
Roger Vigouroux

Another day, another patient Memoirs of a Neuropsychiatrist Publication date : October 5, 2016

Roger Vigouroux, neurologist and psychiatrist, is a member of the Neurological Association of France and the Neuropsychological Association of France. He is the author, most notably, of La Fabrique du Beau (“The Making of Beauty”), Odile Jacob, 1992.
Through moving personal accounts that are often poignant, yet told with the clinical precision of a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Roger Vigouroux recounts a neuro-psychiatrist’s daily life. This very concrete book, illustrated with case studies, in a similar vein to François Lelord’s Tales of an Ordinary Psychiatrist, portrays the suffering as well as the happy endings that patients, their loved ones, and their doctors too, can experience. We accompany the psychiatrist as he visits his patients, sharing his doubts and his enthusiasm, and sitting in on his consultations.
The power of this book, the diary of a neuro-psychiatrist, also comes from the first-person accounts and the careful attention paid to the patient-physician relationship. In fact, that relationship is the true subject of this unique book.
A “real-life” account of both suffering and cures in the realm of mental illness and addiction.