
Édouard Zarifian

The Will to Be Cured (Coll. Poche) Publication date : January 1, 2001

A patient cannot be said to be completely cured if the healing process is limited to the physical and technical sphere. During the period when medical treatment is being administered, as well as afterwards, the doctor has to establish a special human relationship based on the alchemy of words with the patient and the patient's friends and family. A practising psychiatrist for over 25 years, Édouard Zarifian shares with the reader the knowledge acquired from meetings with patients that have chosen to confide in him during difficult moments in their lives. Is it possible to be cured simply through the power of one's psyche? Why do patients sometimes ' unconsciously ' refuse to be cured? What is the real influence of the patient's family circle on the results of the treatment? Zarifian explores some surprising paths taken during the healing process, and shows how to rediscover the power the spoken word, which modern medicine too often neglects or stifles.

'Every doctor should read this book.'
Tribune Médicale

'In his latest work, Professor Édouard Zarifian declares war on the dehumanisation threatening doctor-patient relations today, and on the standardisation of medical practices based only on technique."
Le Figaro

'A forceful defence in favour of a humanistic medicine.'
Ça m'intéresse

Édouard Zarifian teaches psychiatry and medical psychology at the University of Caen, France. He is the author of several best-selling works, including Les Jardiniers de la Folie and Des Paradis Plein la Tête.