
Édouard Zarifian

The Zest for Life: Finding One’s Lost Voice Publication date : March 29, 2007

The zest for life is what enables us to overcome suffering in the wake of life’s painful events; it is also what allows us to love, to help others and to give comfort.
It is the ability to talk to one another that makes us human and that shapes our inner world.
It is speech, the source of our joys as of our sorrows, that enables us to live in a subtle blend of the real, the imagined and the symbolic.
In order to savour the zest for life, Édouard Zarifian urges us to recover the speech we have lost — because we still have so much to say to one another.

Édouard Zarifian, a physician and neuro-psychiatrist, held the chair of psychiatry at the University of Caen, France. He is known, most notably, for the following works: La Force de guérir (1999; paperback 2001); Les Jardiniers de la folie (1999; paperback 2000) and Des paradis plein la tête (1998; paperback 2000).