Psychoanalysis All books

Francine Klein
Learn to Think, Learn to Love
Is everything determined at birth and in our first months of life? Why is it that certain children experience difficulty in learning to walk and to speak? Why them and not others? By describing the mechanics of learning and intellectual development, Francis Klein emphasizes the role of affection and relational factors on early development. She reminds us that to learn to think pre-supposes pleasure and liberty. Francine Klein is a children's psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst.

Caroline Eliacheff
À corps et à cris How to psychoanalyse young children
Oliver, Zoe, Mathias and the others are children of grief. They barely speak. They have faced innumerable trials: unknown mothers, abandon, adoption, even separation from imprisoned parents. Traditional medicine allows them to survive, but cannot teach them to live. Is there a solution? This book attempts to reach these neglected children and, through words, to heal. Caroline Eliacheff is a psychoanalyst who counts among her published works Les Indomptables, written in conjunction with Ginette Raimbault.

André Green
The Psychic Causality Between Nature and Culture
Without reprieve, we hear of the agony of psychoanalysis. On one hand, neuroscience and the cognitive sciences reduce the psyche to a sum of 'natural' phenomenon. On the other hand, the social sciences see it as an ensemble of 'cultural' process. In this point-by-point discussion of the issues in this debate, and drawing upon his extensive clinical experience as his main resource, André Green shows that the human psyche is the result of a double determinism, both natural and cultural. It emerges as an original and autonomous creation, and that is exactly what forms the specificity of psychoanalysis. Andre Green is a psychoanalyst and the President of the Psychoanalytic Society of Paris.