
Daniel Sibony

From Identity to Existence The Jewish People’s Contribution Publication date : January 5, 2012

Daniel Sibony is a psychoanalyst and the author of, most notably, Don de soi ou partage de soi? (2000), Lectures bibliques (2006), Marrackech, le départ (2009) and Le Sens du rire et de l’humour (2010).

“We all seek in another being those elements of love that are specifically aimed at us, and we must all face the problems this creates — particularly when we find them. For the Jewish people, this universal process has been experienced collectively and it has made it the texture of its life, questioning its own being in a way that reveals existence as a question — to be lived rather than resolved.
“How to shift from identity to existence? That is the question this book explores through the contribution of the Jewish people — not in its texts, which have been adapted to create other religions, but rather in its existence, which no one has been able to take from it, and which has acquired a uniquely universal meaning, reminding each of us of what we tend to forget.
“This shared revelation can help everyone — Jews and non-Jews — who feels constricted by the framework of identity or of performance and who seeks breathing spaces, thoroughfares leading to an existential movement in which ‘writing’ our lives and transmitting its texture will become a source of energy enabling us to identify ourselves in order to exist,” writes Daniel Sibony.

• A knowledgeable analysis, not devoid of humour, of what constitutes the distinctiveness of the Jewish people.
• Through a study of the history of the uniqueness of the Jewish people, the author shows how each one of us, Jews and non-Jews, can learn to accept who we are, without self-satisfaction, without confining ourselves, but also without renouncing who we really are.