Earth Sciences All books

Daniel Nahon
Gaia’s March From Stone to Humans
The history of the Earth and its land by one of the foremost specialists. It is also, of course, a history of life, climates, a very timely reflection on the exploitation of the Earth and its resources.

The Shift Project
Crisis, Climate How to Transform the French Economy
The Shift Project, a think tank created by Jean-Marc Jancovici in 2010, aims to clarify and influence the debate on energy transition.

Jacques Tassin
I Believe in Trees
A text that translates the sensory experience of an encounter with a tree and renders understandable the importance of its presence and the invisible interaction that connects us to it.

Alexandre Meinesz
Protecting Marine Biodiversity
A new approach to the threat of pollution in the Mediterranean by an expert in Mediterranean marine life.

Michel Delseny
The Biology of Plants The genome of thale cress
A detailed account of a fascinating scientific adventure. Important food for thought: the genome of a plant is as complex as our own.

Alain Bécoulet
Nuclear Fusion
The great hope in the realm of energy transition: fusion produces almost no radioactive waste, and doesn’t emit CO2. . .

Jacques Tassin
Think like a Tree
The French author who preceded Wohlleben and his best-seller, pursues his reflection. A small, light, yet profound book for thinking and living better.

Frédéric Lasserre, Alexandre Brun
The Geopolitics of Water/Sharing Water Water – a source of conflicts
Water: a major geopolitical issue in the twenty-first century. Will it take “water wars” to impose an equitable distribution of resources?