Neuroscience All books

Armin Schnider
The Injured Brain How to Help Recovery
A book that shows that brain recovery is possible, regardless of age.

Alain Berthoz, Fabienne Verdier
Thought in Action A Painting Session Between Art and Science
An original discussion around the artistic process, combining philosophy and history of art, brain physiology and mathematics.

Lionel Naccache
An Apologia for Discretion What does it mean to be part of the universe in the 21st century?
In the great tradition of essays, the author draws on cognitive neuroscience and neurology, mathematics, physics, biology, philosophy, psychoanalysis, Judaism and literature.

Albert Costa
The Bilingual Brain
A fascinating book on what has often been a controversial topic; a lively summary of the state of the art.

Olivier Houdé
Paul Valéry, In Love with his Brain Curious about everything, especially himself
The work of Valéry seen through the prism of neuroscience today… Fascinating.

Coralie Chevallier, Mathieu Perona
Homo sapiens In the Public Arena How to Adapt Public Policies to Human Psychology
Finding solutions to the problems citizens are confronted with requires taking into account our complex cognitive functioning as Homo sapiens. An original an innovative book.

Steven Laureys
Meditation Exercises to Improve Your Brain
A range of meditation exercises carefully guided by the great neurologist Steven Laureys, enabling a practical implementation, whose duration and level can be adapted.

Pierre Lemarquis
The Benefits of Music for the Brains of Children and Adults
Music shapes and caresses our brain, it contributes to the development of individuals, to learning, to care, at every age in life.