Neuroscience All books

Jean-Didier Vincent
The Biology of Passions
What is it to love? Can one explain the love of Romeo for Juliet? What are desire, pleasure and pain, the taste for power and domination? Moving beyond the traditional split between body and mind, Jean-Didier Vincent proposes a new theory of emotions which brings harmony to our concept of mankind. Jean-Didier Vincent is a neurobiologist and director of the Alfred Fessard Institute of CNRS at Gif-sur-Yvette.

John Haugeland
Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea
At once philosophical and instructive, this work offers a synthesis of a discipline that marks a revolution, both intellectual and technological, in the approach of the human spirit. John Haugeland teaches philosophy at the University of Pittsburg.

Jacques Ninio
The Imprint of the Senses Perception, Memory and Language
Science has completely renewed our sense of perception. We used to stand impressions, the facts of our senses, in opposition to our superior activities (language, memory, reasoning). J. Ninio shows us an alterior perceptive reasoning . His accessible prose, peppered with many examples and illustrations, presents an original analysis of today s biological and psychological research on perception.

Jacques Hochmann, Marc Jeannerod
Is there anybody there ? Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience
For the first time, a psychoanalyst and a neurophysiologist have put their expertise together in order to progress in knowledge. The focus is rather on their ability to listen to each other, and their avoidance of concessions, than on individualistic, polemic arguments. Thus, important bridges are built between the two disciplines, which perhaps heralds the advent of another psychology. Jacques Hochmann is a professor of psychiatrics and a psychoanalyst. Marc Jeannerod is a professor of physiology and a neurophysiologist.

Roger Vigouroux
The Making of Beauty
Where does the gift of artistic genius come from? Why Mozart, why Doestoevsky and Van Gogh? What happens in the brain of a man who devotes his life to writing, painting or music? What is it that pushes us towards the pleasure of listening to a symphony, to the emotion of contemplating a painting, to the joy of reading a poem? Roger Vigouroux is a neurologist.