
Alain Berthoz, Claude Debru

Anticipating and Predicting A Colloquium — From Thought to Mental Journey Publication date : April 15, 2015

Alain Berthoz, a neurophysiologist, is a professor emeritus at the Collège de France and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. He is the author of numerous acclaimed works, published by Editions Odile Jacob: Le Sens du mouvement, La Décision, La Simplexité and La Vicariance.
Claude Debru is a philosopher, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and a professor of the philosophy of science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris. He is the co-author, with Pierre Buser, of Temps, instant et durée.

What are the constraints and the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that act on the human capacity to anticipate events and actions? How do human beings project themselves into the future? What logic governs the implementation of this capacity? And under what conditions can such a capacity be artificially mimicked? How does psychopathology contribute to the understanding of these mechanisms, which are located at the confluence of brain and psyche? How do human beings react when faced with situations that force them to reconfigure their existence?
Those are the questions that are examined in this book, written by a group of scientists at the vanguard of interdisciplinary research.
With contributions by Margherita Arcangeli, Daniel Bennequin, Pierre Bessière, Pierre Buser, Jérôme Dokic, Jacques Droulez, Malik Ghallab, Etienne Koechlin, Giuseppe Longo, Nicolas Morgado, Didier Naud, Richard Palluel-Germain, Dennis Perrin, Jean-Luc Petit, Pascal Piolino, Armand Schnider.

• Eminent scientists reveal the latest findings on the human brain.
• Alain Berthoz is a renowned scientist and the author of many successful works.