
Observatoire national de la lecture

Learning to Read Publication date : September 1, 2006

What abilities and forms of knowledge are required to learn how to read? How can the learner be assisted in acquiring reading skills? What role do parents play? What motivates the learner? How can computers help in the learning process? How can learning difficulties be spotted at an early stage? What causes dyslexia? How can dyslexics be helped? Research into reading difficulties has progressed greatly during the past 25 years. This report summarises recent research by the best specialists working in the field and provides essential information on the acquisition of reading skills, on how to assist the learner, and on the difficulties that may be encountered in the first two years of primary school. The answers provided will be of great help to educational authorities, teachers, and parents.

Learning to Read was written under the collective authorship of the French Observatoire National de la Lecture, including the following : Jacques Friedel, president of the Observatiore National de la Lecture and honorary president of the Académie des Sciences. He is the author of The Mandarin Seed, published by Editions Odile Jacob. Alain Bentolila teaches linguistics at the Université de Paris V. He is the editor of a series of textbooks, How to Master Writing, published by Editions Nathan. José Morais teaches psycholinguistics at the Free University of Brussels.He is the author of The Art of Reading, published by Editions Odile Jacob (1994).