Catalog All books
Moïra Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam
The Parent Burnout Avoiding it and getting away with it
Parental burn-out, a societal phenomenon that we are just beginning to talk about.
Jacques Hochmann
The Paradoxes of Psychiatry
A thorough review of the history of psychiatry that illuminates current issues
Laurent Schmitt
The Paradoxes of Free Time
Does more leisure time mean more time or more constraints?
Gilles Dufrénot, Anne Levasseur-Franceschi
Pandemics and Globalization Dangerous Liaisons?
A global approach to the interactions between economic and health phenomena favoring the notion of the public good over a conquest of markets
Jean-Marie Besson
Pain. Doctors and researchers have long sought its origin.In this fascinating essay, well-known neurophysiologist J.-M. Besson explains what pain is and how to combat it. He examines acupuncture, various placebos, and recounts the current search for an ideal analgesic, one containing the power of morphine without its negative side effects.