Catalog All books
Jean Adès
Sin and Madness The Psychopathology of the Deadly Sins
A unique and fascinating approach to psychiatry and psychic suffering
Philippe Aghion, Gilbert Cette, Élie Cohen
Manifesto for a New Economic Policy
A vital social and economic programme
Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel
The Power of Creative Destruction A publishing event in Economics!
This book brings together five years of courses at the Collège de France and more than thirty years of research and instruction on “the economy of creative destruction.” It is Philippe Aghion’s seminal work.
Yves Agid
I Enjoy Getting Older The Brain – Master of Time
• Clear and enlightening explanations for the aging of the brain, the primary agent of overall aging.
Michel Aglietta
Transforming the Growth System
An essential book for thinking in other ways about the relationships between finance, growth, and the climate, and for situating oneself within a long term perspective.