Art and Literature All books
Anouk Grinberg
The Actor, the Game, and the “I”
The activity of an actor viewed from the wings, told from the inside by one of the greatest French actresses.
Jean-Claude Hazera
The Lost German Mathurin Capitaine’s First Investigation
A gripping historical thriller set in France in 1944, as the Occupation draws to an end and the Liberation begins
Françoise Héritier
A Delight in Words
Property fills the mouth, Hatred is spit out, Credulity is a good girl, Decision cuts like a scalpel
Françoise Héritier
The Salt of Life (Collector)
In this wonderful little book that literally sparkles with wisdom, Françoise Héritier incites us to play a game with our own memories
Françoise Héritier
As Days Go By
A little book of wisdom in the form of a game playing with memories, which causes the little music of life to be heard. A very pleasant read, an invitation to rediscover a taste for life.
David Ignatius
The Increment
After tackling terrorism in his previous novel, David Ignatius continues to reinvent the contemporary spy thriller.
Michel Jouvet
The Castle of Dreams
Here is a novel written in the manner of the 18th century, intertwining fiction and science, meditation and reverie. M. Jouvet, a specialist in the neurobiology of dreams and a member of the Académie des Sciences, borrows the creative pen and documented dreams of Hughes la Scève, forgotten father of the science of sleep.
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Céline Jurgensen
Nuclear Imaginaries
A cross-sectional approach: from the curious to the specialist, all audiences will find food for thought here. From fiction (cartoons, cinema…) to the military perspective, and including literary references, a great variety of subjects are broached.
Philippe Laburthe-Tolra
The Standard of the Prophet
Philippe Laburthe-Tolra presents us with a great ethnographical and historical novel in search of black Islam of the early 1850s. His wandering narrative of love affairs, political intrigue and religious mysticism revives the culture of a people before colonization.
Pierre Lemarquis
The Benefits of Music for the Brains of Children and Adults
Music shapes and caresses our brain, it contributes to the development of individuals, to learning, to care, at every age in life.
Patrick Lemoine
Right of Sanctuaries
This book is a detailed reconstruction of daily life at the Asile du Vinatier, a psychiatric institution near Lyon, from 1937 to 1945, a period marked by the earliest institutional attempts to treat mental illness. It was also the time when the blindness of administrative rules, the meanness of politicians, and the indifference of society at large resulted in a collective drama: the gradual extermination of mental patients. Patrick Lemoine is a psychiatrist and department head at the Hôpital du Vinatier in Lyon.