Jacques Barthélémy
Bibliography (3)

Gilbert Cette, Jacques Barthélémy
Work and Technological Changes From the Civilization of Factories to That of the Digital
Recent mutations in the world of work are an opportunity to seize in order to adapt the law to the most unprecedented situations.

Jacques Barthélémy, Gilbert Cette
Working in the 21st Century The Uberization of the Economy
New labour laws for a new economy. Inevitable, but difficult to put into place, for the past year, labour-law reform has been at the heart of many key economic and political debates. Supported and co-published by two major think-tanks, Terra Nova and L’Institut de l’entreprise, this book will be heavily promoted.

Gilbert Cette, Jacques Barthélémy
Reconstructing Social Law to Reform How the Labour Market Functions
French social law, and particularly labour law, is characterised by an excess of rules and regulations that hinder economic growth and job creation. In this respect, France is an exception among European nations.