Patrick Artus
Bibliography (5)

Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Your Father’s Macroeconomics Is No Longer the Answer! Proposals for the Coming Five Years
Innovative analyses of the economic mechanisms that we struggle to understand regarding the debt, the rise of inequalities, monetary policy, etc.

Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Capitalism’s Last Chance For a new balance between consumers, workers, and shareholders
A stimulating text, powerful ideas, a limited number of figures, diagrams reserved for more technical elements: here one finds all the ingredients for a formula that has already marked the success of the Artus-Virard duo!

Patrick Artus
40 Years of Wage Austerity How Can We Escape It?
With great clarity, this book dismantles the mechanisms that ensure that wage, monetary, and budgetary policies are completely interwoven. Patrick Artus excels in this demonstration!

Patrick Artus
Globalization and Finance
Patrick Artus is one of the most brilliant analysts of today’s economy and finance. All his books are best-sellers.

Claude Allègre, Patrick Artus, Jean-Louis Borloo, Yves Cochet, Vincent Courtillot, Jean Jouzel, Jacques Le Cacheux
Ecological quarrels and political choices
Polemics over global warming, the security of nuclear power plants after Fukushima, the depletion of reserves of non-renewable raw materials continue to fuel public concern without succeeding in establishing shared objective representations...