Results for the keyword brain
Laurent Cohen
The Brain in Bits and Pieces
Twenty stories, twenty enigmas, twenty clues to what it is to be human. A precise and complete panorama of the recent advances in the neurosciences.
Pierre-Marie Lledo
The Brain In The 21st Century
Beyond neurobiology, an analysis of the impact of these discoveries not only on the sciences of education, psychology, medicine, but also on theology, marketing, economics ... An essential ethical reflection on the use we must make of this knowledge so as not to distort the foundations of our humanity and also our freedom.
Raymond Bruyer
The Brain that "Sees"
Based on numerous examples, this book describes and explains the phenomenon of perceptive recognition: how with minimal information the human brain can identify not only general forms (a man, a woman, a cat, a dog, a house, and so forth), but also specific individuals who might seem scarcely distinguishable from one another, unless a large amount of information is provided. This study of the brain that sees is also an exploration of the perceived world. Raymond Bruyer teaches experimental psychology at the University of Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.
Alim Louis Benabid
The Brain, Degenerative Diseases, and the Discovery of Deep Brain Stimulation The History of a Discovery
An extraordinary journey into the world of neurosurgery and a fascinating presentation of the mysteries of a scientific and medical discovery and its consequences.
Colette Chiland, Jean-Philippe Raynaud
The Brain, the Psyche and Development
A fascinating work on the mental development and treatment of children, by eminent specialists in psychiatry and the neurosciences
Michel Jouvet
The Castle of Dreams
Here is a novel written in the manner of the 18th century, intertwining fiction and science, meditation and reverie. M. Jouvet, a specialist in the neurobiology of dreams and a member of the Académie des Sciences, borrows the creative pen and documented dreams of Hughes la Scève, forgotten father of the science of sleep.