Results for the keyword capitalism
Robert Boyer
General Theory of Capitalism is it possible?
Robert Boyer is a leading figure of the regulationist school of economics, which believes that capitalism requires external, political, monetary and social regulations, and that the capitalist economy cannot be reduced to the self-regulating laws of the market. In this book, he proposes a general theory of capitalism, from two angles. First of all, he argues that there are several models of capitalism - not just one. America's ultra-liberal capitalism is unlike German capitalism, which is characterised by the fusion between banks and businesses, just as it is unlike French state-interventionist capitalism and Japan's capitalism of consensus. Secondly, in order to understand how capitalism works, every aspect has to be considered - not just the market but also political and social institutions (the State, central banks, unions, etc.) and the conventions they create among themselves (salary agreements, etc.). Robert Boyer is a research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, a director of studies at the Ecole des Haute Etudes en Sciences Sociales and a member of the French prime minister's Council for Economic Analysis.
Alain Cotta
Global Hypercapitalism
Erudite and original, this book presents a true portrait of the “Dynamics of hypercapitalism,” tracing its lines of strength. It is also a denunciation of the elites and of their oligarchical power, exercised on the middle classes.
Alain Trannoy, Étienne Wasmer
The Great Return of Land in Wealth
The French property and land wealth has reached an unheard-of volume of 7000 billion euros, more than three times the national GDP. How can it be taxed to release the burden that weighs on production?
Philippe Askenazy
Let’s All Become Rentiers! For a New Distribution of Wealth
A fascinating book — and a powerful stand against growing inequality
Jacques Lesourne
Reflecting on the Future
Instead of describing a ready-made methodology, the author, an eminent prospectivist, shows us how to picture the future.
Renaud Lassus
The Renaissance of America foreword to Pascal Lamy
An essential contribution for an understanding of what is at stake in the 2020 presidential election.