Results for the keyword Central Europe
Paul Garde
The End of the Century in the Balkans
Fortunately, the situation is less tragic in 2000 than it was in 1992. There is no more fighting. And yet, none of the problems have been resolved and several conflicts remain pending. In two regions, Bosnia and Kosovo, peace is maintained thanks to a powerful international presence; hundreds of thousands of refugees have no hope of returning to their homes; most of the main criminals of war are still at large; and intolerance and poverty are widespread. It is thus necessary to make a correct diagnosis of the problems of the region, where surprises are always possible. I would be happy if this book could help contribute toward this. Paul Garde Paul Garde is a former professor of Slavic languages and literature at the University of Provence, France.
Édouard Chevardnadzé
The Future is Freedom
Why did the former Soviet Union allow itself to be led to the emancipation of the peoples of Central Europe? Why would it accept the reunification of Germany? How did it find the pathway to alliance with the United States? Under what conditions will it be able to master economic crisis and political instability? A lucid look at what is becoming of our world, by one of the authors of change in the East, the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Soviet Union.
Jacques Rupnik
The Other Europe The Crisis and End of Communism
The crumbling of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the divided Europe that was inherited from Yalta, and the renaissance of Central Europe, so neglected and forgotten that it is often simply referred to as the East. Originally from Prague, Jacques Rupnik is one of the top specialists in France of this "Other Europe". In this work, he delivers the results of a long investigation of both the terrain and the historical thought leading from the nationalisms of the last century to the Gorbachev factor.
Results : 1 to 5 from 5 books