Results for the keyword chronic illnesses
Jacques Laloum
Glaucoma Prevention, Detection, and Treatment
For the first time, a book of information written for a general audience and for patients, by one of the foremost specialists of this disease which affects more than a million French people.
Guy Simonnet, Bernard Laurent, David Le Breton
Humans In Pain
A complete analysis of the phenomenon of pain on three levels: neurobiological, medical, and anthropological.
Laura Arnal, Charlotte Guttinger
I Beat Lyme’s Disease
With climate change, there is a risk of a proliferation of ticks and contractions of the disease. The book reads like a novel; alongside the main story, other accounts illuminate the struggles of Lyme disease sufferers.
Jean-Luc Ducher
Overcoming Anxiety All By Yourself
An accessible approach in the form of 100 questions/answers on an ever-present subject
Patrice Queneau, Claude de Bourguignon
Saving the General Practitioner
A powerful argument for keeping medicine human, citing the general practitioner as the guarantor. A book that can contribute to the debate on healthcare, and one that will find a favourable reception among general practitioners.
Results : 1 to 5 from 5 books