Results for the keyword discovery of fire
Marcel Otte
The Audacity of Sapiens: How Humanity Was Formed
It is time to bring back thought, responsibility, and courage to a consideration of the prodigious human adventure.
Henry de Lumley
The Domestication of Fire
A reference work, lavishly illustrated, on one of the most essential subjects in the history of mankind. The author is one of the greatest paleontologists of the time, and a passionate researcher. The domestication of fire is a subject of interest to a wide public.
Alexandre Stern
Monkeys in the Kitchen How Cooking Made Us Human
How the invention of culinary and agricultural practices, the discovery and exchange of products, through the millennia have contributed to civilizing the human being.
Michel Brunet
We are all Africans In search of the first man
The book gives a lively account of the life of a palaeontologist, with descriptions of excavations and findings.
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books