Results for the keyword ethics
Serge Stoléru
The Portable Psychoanalyst A New Approach for Self-Knowledge
A both philosophical and psychoanalytical justification of a desire for self-knowledge. A concrete and lively text due to the presentation of real cases.
Michel Rocard
Putting One's Heart into One's Work
In this intellectual and political autobiography, former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard explains the ethical requirements which underlied his every political action. This book provides an uncompromising analysis of French society and politics by examining the economic, cultural and social questions which France poses itself today.
François Dagognet
Reflections on the Body
A philosophy for our times, devised through an understanding of modernity in all its forms: artistic, scientific and medical. This work is a rigorous and exacting treatment of the ethical and political choices facing mankind at a moment when the power over matter and living are coming to be declared unlimited. In short, the engaged and stimulating observations of François Dagognet, a professor of philosophy at the Université de Paris I, medical doctor, and heir worthy of Bachelard.
Christine Delaporte
Telling Sick People the Truth
The issue of medical truth is perceived differently by doctors and patients. From the doctors point of view: Should a given patient be told the truth? Should terminally ill patients be told how much longer they may expect to live? From the patients point of view: How can I hear the truth and learn to live with the disease? This book should help health professionals deal with emotionally difficult moments of truth. It should also help patients and their loved ones to feel less alone, once they have heard the truth, and to gradually learn to live with their disease. Christine Delaporte is a head of research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Philippe Kourilsky
The Time of the altruism
An eminent scientist tells us how to alter our thinking so that we can finally face the present global challenges with effective common actions.
Howard Gardner
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed Educating for the Virtues in the Twenty-First Century
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed is an approachable primer on the foundations of ethics in the modern age.