Results for the keyword intimacy
Françoise Héritier
As Days Go By
A little book of wisdom in the form of a game playing with memories, which causes the little music of life to be heard. A very pleasant read, an invitation to rediscover a taste for life.
Laurent Schmitt
Secret The role of secrecy throughout human life
A reflection on the benefits of secrecy to the psyche that goes against the tide of transparency. Secrecy can be useful or even indispensable to our psychic survival. A contemporary and historical account of the role of secrecy in psychology.
Patrice Huerre, François Robine
What Our Living Spaces Say about Us
Living spaces tell a lot about their inhabitants and their psychic and social evolution. Habitats reveal the evolution of generations and of their ways of life, but they also encourage human relationships to be what they are.
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books