Results for the keyword mental fragility
Roger Vigouroux
Another day, another patient Memoirs of a Neuropsychiatrist
The author has chosen an unconventional tone and format to describe the experiences of a doctor specialized in mental illness, as well as those of his patients. Exceptional access to day-to-day psychiatric consultations, which is rarely possible to achieve.
François Ladame
Are We All Masochists?
A sense of duty, guilt, self-sacrifice, a feeling of unworthiness, self-destruction…: a book for an understanding and evaluation of our own level of masochism and, if needed, to learn how to correct it.
Boris Cyrulnik, Patrick Lemoine
The Crazy History of Crazy Ideas in Psychiatry
A lively and illuminating perspective on the history of a discipline that is still young. Unusual reflections on the future of treatment for psychiatric illness, based on past mistakes. Suggestions for helping the near future to become the Golden Age of psychiatry.
Bernard Chouvier
The Fanatics
For more than twenty years, Bernard Chouvier has studied various forms of political and religious commitment and activism and their sectarian excesses.
Philippe Jeammet
When our emotions make us mad
A rich account based upon clinical observations often conducted over a period of several years.
Results : 1 to 5 from 5 books